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Gavarnie > Cauterets - Pont d'Espagne

50 km / 1h18


Today is the day for the big show! With a ticket to meet a world famous celebrity - the Cirque de Gavarnie. It will be a day full of emotion. The cirque is one of the great natural wonders, its immensity is staggering, everybody can only stare in admiration and feel humbled by its enormity and great beauty. At the end of the day you will be in Cauterets ready for the best seats for tomorrow's show in the Garden of Eden of the Pyrenees- Pont d'Espagne.

Des promeneurs sur le chemin du Cirque le long du gave Gavarnie - Panorama depuis le col des Tentes Gavarnie - Le cirque et le cheval Troumouse et le lac des Aires Troumouse et la vierge Cabane de Troumouse Gavarnie - brèche de Roland Le Cirque de Gavarnie Gavarnie et l'église Sentier col des tentes
Le cirque de Gavarnie, la cascade et la verdure